Monday, 29 June 2020

Isolation Worries

It’s crazy to think how far we've come in a world we live in now, the beginning of lockdown was almost 4 months ago now and restrictions have only recently started easing. Although there is still a lot of uncertainty about the future ahead, the presence of this pandemic has been a vital one for many. Eventhough life after this pandemic may not be exactly the same as is now, with the way social interactions and businesses are changing to adapt to the government guidelines, for the most part the world will be a much better place, more equipped, educated and prepared for something like this to happen again in the future. 

Though some may see this pandemic as a necessary inconvenience, a fusion of work and life at home or a leap into social media, with virtual meetings held face to face, others may see this period as a silver lining with more time to stay in contact with the ones you love the most, working on yourself and generally enjoying this time. Despite it being a time where levels of anxiety and stress are heightened, it is also a time that will rarely happen again.We need to remind ourselves that there is an end to this pandemic, it is only a temporary movement we are experiencing and life will resume back to normality eventually. 

For now, the time is what you make of it and when one reminisces these moments,what we had and do have, what we did do and what we could do to use the current crisis to build a better world becomes very prominent. I think the central lesson of the covid crisis is that our connected world suffers from a disconnected government leading to holes in the global safety net however human behaviour matters and it is what is protecting us from this virus. The collective behaviour of people complying with the terms of lockdown and social distancing combined with the numerous amount of resources at any time in human history the world has to tackle the problem and address the opportunities of a connected world leaves worry where it does need to be.

Unusual, scary, relaxing, uncomfortable are some of many words one can use to describe the feeling of this pandemic, however what sticks out the most is the sense of uncertainty, unknown and worry for the future. Everyone has different ways of dealing with it, whether it be going for a run or socialising with friends via a zoom call though taking every moment, minute and hour you can like its your last, can help you appreciate what is important and be grateful for what you have, when it seems like we're in a world that has almost stopped for a minute. 


Saturday, 27 June 2020

My Skincare Routine

Skin is a very temperamental organ, as a result not having a proper skin care routine can lead to dire consequences. I found this out the hard way, I used to get occasional breakouts on my skin because I have a combination of sensitive and dry skin. I quickly learned that skincare was a commitment and that the key success to clear skin was maintaining a proper skincare regime... after all first impressions do count. 

Having tried a lot of different products and methods, I have finally found a routine that works relatively well for me so I thought I'd share it in hope that it might also help and encourage others with similar skin issues. I've come to learn that there is such a thing as incorporating too many products into your skincare routine, although this can be overwhelming it can also over do it and there's nothing worse than having greasy, product lathered skin. Additionally, drinking a lot of water can help to remove the toxins in skin, providing a more radiant glow.

Step 1 - Cleansing 

Clinique Liquid Facial Soap Mild 
Religiously every morning I will start my skincare routine by washing my face with the Clinique 'Liquid Facial Soap Mild' cleanser. I lather it up on my face, rinse it off with cold water and then pat my face dry with a face cloth. Although this brand is more on the expensive side, it has always worked well with my combination skin type and when buying full size products they tend to last years.  

Ultrabland Facial Cleanser
Alternatively I will use the Lush 'Ultrabland Facial Cleanser' on those days where I am wearing excess makeup. I take about two forefingers' full and massage it between my fingers and palms, then gently swipe it all over my face. I then dampen a clean face cloth in warm water and glide it over my face to remove all the residue of dirt and makeup. It can scrub of even the clumpiest, most water resistant eye makeup and heavy foundation with ease, leaving my skin feeling soft and moisturised. A drawback to this product is that, as it is an oil based cleanser containing beeswax, it can be hard to remove with water and can leave your skin feeling greasy. 

Step 2 - Toning 

Pixi Glow Tonic
This is a new addition to my skincare routine, I purchased it not long ago having been recommended it by a friend, so I thought I'd try it out for myself. I have only been using this product for a couple of days now and can already see a significant difference in the appearance of my skin. I normally follow up my cleanser with the Pixi 'Glow Tonic' to brighten, tone and condition my skin, balancing all my pH's. I apply a few drops to a cotton wool pad, and sweep it all over my skin after cleansing (morning and evening) to gradually diminishing my imperfections. It leaves my skin feeling naturally fresh and dewy radiant. 

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water 
On those days where I'm feeling truly lazy, I tend to just use the Garnier 'Micellar Cleansing Water'
as a toner. I apply a few drops to a cotton wool pad and sweep it all over my skin to refresh my complexion and draw out any dirt and impurities left over after cleansing without over-drying my skin. 

Step 3 - Moisturising 
Olay Complete Day Cream 
When it comes to moisturising, I use the Olay 'Complete Day Cream' moisturiser daily, I liberally apply this onto my hands and then gently massage it onto my face and neck. Not only does this product keep my skin feeling smooth and hydrated, it also contains SPF 15 which gently protects the surface of my skin from any incidental UV exposure, ultimately proving my skin with a natural healthy glow. 

 Step 4- Optionals/ As needed 

 Face Masks 
My go to facemasks are the Mask of Magnaminty and the L'oreal Paris Pure Clay Glow Mask
I have used the L'oreal Paris 'Pure Clay' glow mask for years, it's an all time favourite of mine and my go to for whenever I feel like having a pamper evening. I apply this, turn on netflix and get comfy in bed, after waiting 10 minutes I rinse it off and then pat my face dry with a face cloth. 
 When my skin is an absolute blunder in need of some TLC I used the Mask of Magnaminty. it is intensely cleansing and exfoliating on my skin and gives it a delightfully tingly clean sensation, not to mention it smells so pepperminty- you just want to eat it!! It is also a self preserving mask containing honey which helps to calm redness and soothe and moisturise my skin. 

Grease Lightning Spot Treatment 
This is another new addition to my skincare routine, I purchased the Lush 'Grease Lightning' spot treatment not long ago and it has finally arrived today!! I've not yet tried it out but I can thoroughly say that not only does this smell relaxing, it seems super effective at cooling and combating breakouts on those blemish prone days without completely drying out the skin. Honestly, I can say that this might become a holy grail product for me as I'm sure anytime I feel a breakout coming on, I'll make sure to use this. I'll pump a little onto my finger and apply it to any spots as often as I need, hoping that if I leave it on overnight the spots would magically disappear the next morning. I've been advised that a little bit goes a long way with this, so I'll try and use this one to two times a week whenever is necessary. 

I tend to repeat my skincare routine twice daily (morning and night), however some days the products I use may vary depending on how my skin is feeling. Hopefully you have found this somewhat useful and if you have any products or general skincare tips, definitely share them below as I would love to know!!

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

International Women In Engineering Day

From a young age I have always been passionate about making a difference and contributing to positive change and so realised that there was a way to accomplish this with Engineering. I started researching a possible career that would allow me to make a direct impact on making the world a better place. In the midst of this, I encountered several stigma's associated with women and girls entering the field of Engineering, primarily how we are consistently discouraged from pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects because it does not fit with the stereotypical image of femininity. 

Unconsciously, boys are pushed towards these subjects and support is rarely given to girls who take an interest in these specialisms. As a result, the unconscious bias we hold against women prevents girls from seeing themselves in these positions, reducing their confidence to actively seek STEM courses and therefore portraying this vast gender imbalance within the field. Thankfully, I never listened to these stigma's and was motivated by them and so here I am today studying Civil Engineering at Swansea University ready to build up 9% of women and 6% of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people in UK's diverse engineering workforce.

I have always been proud of my heritage and culture, I never really thought about the stereotypes that came along with it. However as time passed, not only did I learn about the hindrances I could face as a woman but also as a person of colour. Though it is not common for a woman to be an Engineer, let alone one that is a young british pakistan born girl, I was determined to recognise the power of being different, and embrace my uniqueness in an effort to encourage and motivate other young women into STEM related fields where diversity meets inclusion. 

We need to promote the training of the next generation of scientists and engineers and loose the stigma behind female engineers, this is why International Women in Engineering Day is important, to celebrate the unique contribution that women bring to the industry!! ultimately calling all women to #ShapeTheWorld

Friday, 19 June 2020

Keeping Sane During Lockdown

The sense of uncertainty, stress and worry for the foreseeable future is a feeling that sticks out the most to me during this pandemic. I'm sure everyone has different ways of dealing with these feelings, however I have put together a few tips and rituals that I have been doing most days, if not everyday to keep me going throughout this uncertain time

1. Wake up and wash your face 
Every morning I wash my face with the Clinique Liquid Soap Cleanser, though this brand is more on the expensive side it has always worked well with my skin type. I follow up using the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water on a cotton pad, acting as a toner to cleanse and soothe my face, removing dirt and impurities from my skin. I then finish off my morning routine by applying the Olay Complete SPF 15  Day Cream to hydrate, nourish and protect my skin. 

Washing my face really does help me wake up, start the day and aim to make it productive, although I know it can be really easy to just stay in bed till really late and binge watch netflix or scroll through socials in the morning. 

2. Grab a cup of tea and have a filling breakfast 
So for all those tea (or coffee) lovers, this is a vital part of my day before starting any work. A cup of tea alongside a healthy, filling breakfast before doing anything is essential to make me feel alert and ready for the day, whilst also jump starting my metabolism and boosting my energy levels in the morning!!

3. Staying fit and healthy 
Eventhough laziness seems to be the new normal, staying home has bought no substitute to self-care and fitness. Alternating between home workouts and runs/walks has been a key thing for me to keep sane during this lockdown life. Additionally, I have been ATTEMPTING to do Chloe Ting's Two Week AB Shred Challenge, doing this has helped me feel a lot stronger, confident and happier in myself, mentally, emotionally and physically ultimately making a huge difference in my everyday life. 

4. Find time away from your phone 
As there is nothing else to do in lockdown, it can become very easy to be glued to your laptop or phone but finding alternative active distractions really helps to keep my week somewhat busy. Every few days I will try and play scrabble or a board game with my siblings, or I like to read or bake and maybe even complete a page or two of a wordsearch book!! By finding something that isn't related to being online and connected to Wi-Fi can significantly reduce your screen time and make time pass by a lot quicker. 

5. Stay Positive 
In the midst of the crisis, it can become very easy to be engulfed in the worries associated with this pandemic. There are so many words one can use to describe the feeling of this pandemic: unusual, scary, relaxing, uncomfortable and many more, however adjusting your mindset to embrace a more positive outlook can really help put these feelings at ease. More so to see lockdown as a time to stay in contact with friends, working on yourself and generally enjoying this time to appreciate and understand what is important as this time is what you make of it now. 

6. Make a list 
I love a good list!! planning my day on microsoft to do or in the notes space on my iPhone outlines all my priorities, giving my day a sense of structure. Doing this also gives me a clear visulisation of what I want to achieve by the end of the day whether that is decluttering and organising my room, planning what time of the day I will do a workout or scheduling in a Zoom call with friends!! Upon reaching the end of the day it also gives you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, being able to tick off completed tasks further keeping your day as productive as it can be. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

About Me

Hey Lovelies, 

If you're completely new here, then welcome to a insight into my brain 

I initially decided to start this blog as a platform to improve my writing and share my thoughts, experiences and advice as a university student, friend and lifestyle blogger whilst keeping me going and somewhat sane during this lockdown period, giving this 'new every day' some sort of structure amongst all the uncertainty. 

I'm a 22 year old girl, who loves all things fashion, beauty, fitness and is longing to see the world. If you're prepared to read posts about being a young woman in today's crazy world then you're in the right place so stick around while I find my feet amongst the blogger community. 

I am currently studying Civil Engineering at Swansea University, although this is a demanding field it is also very male dominated. I started to research more and more and discovered multiple other women, graduated or not, growing businesses and projects surrounding female empowerment. However I soon realised there was a huge gap in the market for this kind of content and decided to shed some more light on this subject. I aspire to create content focused on addressing this gender imbalance, and how to deal with being a young female in engineering, whilst also encouraging the next generation to consider career paths at the forefront of science. 

I've become really close with myself recently and decided that self care is one of the most important things for people my age, so I've based this blog on lifestyle posts and included things I'm most passionate about such as women in engineering, university advice, life after graduation and wanting to give back, inspire and help people in whatever way that may be. 

I really appreciate all of those who read my blog, however if you fancy sharing your thoughts then drop me an email, I'll be more than happy to hear from you for a chat or to offer some advice and tips for every hurdle that life throws at you. 

Abeera x 

© Abeera Shahid
Maira Gall